Jakob and Daughter Dependable Washington DC Locksmith
We Can Help With Broken Key Extraction
One of the worst sounds in the world to hear is the sound that the key makes when it snaps in half while it’s in the lock. It can happen for a lot of reasons, but most of them involve the key corroding or losing its shape as time goes on. If you are in need of a broken key extraction or you need some help with other types of lock and key jobs, then make sure to contact Jakob and Daughter Dependable Washington DC Locksmith today to get more information and so that we can help you quickly.
Providing the Best in Car Lockout Services
Sometimes, you feel like you have to wait forever to get car lockout services, don’t you? In those situations, you may feel stressed out or you may start to worry that you won’t be able to get through that huge to do list that you have for the day. Don’t worry – we at Jakob and Daughter Dependable Washington DC Locksmith use a specialized dispatch system to make sure we get a first-rated locksmith Washington, DC out to you as soon as we possibly can. Our car lockout services are efficient and affordable, so we can get you back out on the road quickly.
Proper Installation of Dead-Bolts
Many of us like to have an extra layer of security in our home or office, and because of that, we will get creative with the things that we do. At Jakob and Daughter Dependable Locksmith Washington DC, we can help you to determine what locks would be best for your needs. If you think that you want to add dead-bolts to your home or business security, we can come in, measure the area so that it’s done correctly, and even install it properly. That way, you can feel secure and the dead-bolts will stay in place and last much longer.
Checking Your Door Locks
The door locks on your home are incredibly important for your overall security, so you should be looking at them on a regular basis to make sure that they are still doing their job. Many locksmiths, including us at Jakob and Daughter Dependable Washington DC Locksmith, recommend that you change your locks every decade or so to make sure that you continue to stay secure and that the technology used is the most up to date that there is on the market. Want to learn more about our lock and key services? Then give us a call today at 202-888-6768 to get started.